Dia Mundial do Diabetes -2021 : UNITED FOR DIABETES

Dia Mundial do Diabetes -2021 : UNITED FOR DIABETES


Free registration for low-income countries

The IDF Virtual Congress 2021 is less than a month away! We look forward to welcoming thousands of health professionals from across the world on our virtual platform to get the latest updates on diabetes complications and the impact of COVID-19 on people with diabetes.

If you haven’t already registered, discover the full programme and attractive individual and group registration rates available.

In view of IDF’s commitment to facilitate educational opportunities for healthcare professionals working in countries where the need is greatest, we are delighted to provide free access to healthcare professionals from low-income countries (as defined by the World Bank).

Do not worry if you cannot attend the congress live. All sessions will remain available to view on demand for one month.

Register now

Discover our satellite symposia programme

The IDF Virtual Congress 2021 includes a series of high-level satellite symposia on each day of the Congress.

Renowned speakers will present their research followed by a Q&A session. The satellite symposia are scientifically oriented and reviewed by the Programme Committee for balance and rigour.

Don’t miss out on these excellent sources of additional education. They will also be available for view on-demand after the congress.

Satellite symposia

Networking opportunities

The IDF Virtual Congress 2021 will offer many possibilities for attendees to exchange with peers and experts on a wide range of topics, and get first-hand advice and expertise from our top-level speakers and leaders in the field of diabetes.

You will be able to:

  • Join our live networking chats and update your profile based on your interests and background to connect with professionals and share your opinion and experience on engaging topics.
  • Spark a conversation in our chat rooms and create your own group topic to trigger a fruitful discussion or join a pre-defined topic.
  • Meet and interact with acclaimed experts in small groups during our meet-the-expert sessions.

Stay tuned for more updates as we approach the opening day of the Congress on December 6.

The IDF Virtual Congress is proud to be supported by the following companies and organizations